SARCHOPHAGUS, lead, inv. 51B
A child’s lead sarcophagus with unusual decoration was discovered in the basilica with martiryium in Jagodin Mala. On the cover there is a large cross …
A child’s lead sarcophagus with unusual decoration was discovered in the basilica with martiryium in Jagodin Mala. On the cover there is a large cross …
Gilded bronze crossbow fibula with three portraits in medallions on a massive arch. It is assumed that the presented images were those of the sons …
А cylindrical bronze measure was discovered in 1972 together with many different objects in a hoard in the fortress. The three-line inscription informs us …
Bronze compass with legs richly decorated with engraved Latin cross and different tools was found in the grave of craftsman (faber). Compass (circinus), who served …
At the time of Constantine the Great in Naissus lived a young woman aged between 20 and 24 years, which belonged to the higher social …
The hoard containing components of bronze railing was discovered to the northwest from villa with peristyle, during excavations at Mediana in 2000. It presents part …
Figure of a woman, lacking the head, dressed into a long, wrinkled chiton with a chimation thrown over. In the bent right arm, placed on …
The bronze portrait is a part of statue of about full-size. It represents a youngish-looking woman, wearing imperial headdress, with smooth generalized features, little detail, …
Head of a man which lacks the lower parts of the face. Under the low cylindrical cap (pileus pannonicus) there is short hair modeled in …
Sited figure of Jupiter on the throne was found in the Nisava riverbed in 1938 and donated to the Museum. God wears a himation wrapped …