Asclepius’s head, right arm and feet are missing. Figure of the god stands in contrapposto pose, his body relying on his left foot while right leg is slightly bent at the knee and moved backward. Asclepius is dressed in a long-pleated himation, which leaves the right side of the upper torso uncovered. Naked part of the deity’s body is harmoniously shaped with clearly indicated chest part of the body. Next to Asclepius’ left leg, at his knee height figure of the boy Telesphoros is presented, with a hood on his head, mantled with a long cloak. The boy’s facial features are only slightly indicated, just as not much attention was paid to modeling of his body. Like the previous sculptural group of Asclepius with Telesphoros, this statuary composition also belongs to the same iconographic type of representations and is approximately dated to the first half of the 4th century.