National Museum Niš

Department for Documentation with Photo Service and Library

The Department for Documentation was established in 2000 as a special museum department. Until then, individual curators processed and maintained documentation in addition to their work on collections, and then the documentarian curator took over that job. The department also includes a photo laboratory with a hemeroteca and a library.

Modern trends mean that material is stored and processed differently, so in order to improve professional work and promote the museum fund, the documentation department introduced the use of 3D scanners in the creation of digital documentation. With the implementation of unified information system in the museums of Serbia in 2018 the digitization of the complete museum collections begins.

The library fund has over 15,000 monographic and serial publications. The content of the fund is diverse, and most of it follows the activities of the Museum. The wealth of the library consists of about 700 old and rare books from the 18th to the 20th century.
