The statue of the god is missing the head and right arm. The body of the god is in contrapposto pose, his body relying on his left foot while right leg is slightly bent at the knee and moved forward. Asclepius is dressed in richly pleated himation, which is not covering the god’s right arm and most of his torso. One part of the himation is draped over his left arm and falls down on the god’s feet, on which he has sandals. Naked part of the deity’s torso points to skillfully and realistically modeled strong male body with accentuated muscles. In his left hand he holds a globe or an egg, while in his right hand he was probably holding the snake-entwined staff. The sculpture of the god stands on a rectangular pedestal with a Greek inscription dedicated to Asclepius, which translation reads: “To Asclepius the Savior, Roimetalkes and his wife Philipa gratefully raise the monument.” Porphyry statue of the god Asclepius belongs to widespread circle of deity sculptures with uniform iconographic form generated even in classical Greek period. The statue can be dated to the period from second half of 3rd century to the first decades of the 4th century.