The head, left forearm and left hand are missing. The statue stands in contrapposto posture, relying on her right leg while the left leg is slightly bent at the knee and moved backward. She is wearing a long chiton, over which is draped himation which in rich folds she holds by her right hand. The left arm is bent at the elbow and stretched, while the right arm, also bent at the elbow, is placed on the chest and her hand is on her left shoulder. Although head of the statue is missing, one may quite accurately assume that it is representation of the goddess Aphrodite Sosandra (“Savior of Men”), modeled after the famous bronze statue of Aphrodite Sosandra by sculptor Kalamis in 465 BC. Analogous representations allow an assumption regarding head of the goddess with wavy hair parted in the middle with a veil draped over, beautifully shaped arched eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, proper nose and small mouth, as well as with restrained facial expression with vulnerable smile. The sculpture of Aphrodite Sosandra from Mediana is dated to the 2nd century.